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文章作者:梁小进eco 文章来源:网站原创


Zhejiang Satellite TV's TV show is very wonderful,the happy will accompany with you when watching these TV show now I introduce you.And also you will get more know about China by watching these TV show.Here,I may introduce you some TV show,if you interested in,you can have a watch !

Question!how can I watch these TV shows?

If you use android cellphone,You can download “中国蓝TV”app form the app of Baidu mobile assistant.If you use iphone,You can immediately search “中国蓝TV” in Apple store.

“中国蓝TV”app also means Zhejiang satellite TV.YA!If you interested in chinese,you just shall know "China" is "中国", "蓝"is"blue" ,color blue is the sign of Zhejiang satelliate TV.

Download and install,Well,you can search these TV shows names in app,you can watch it,hahaha!

《running man》or《keep running》
《Comedy mobilization》
《the Alliance of Challenger》
《Ace vs Ace》
《Hello !  living home》
《come on!champion》
《I am an actor》
《Happy club》
《truth or dare》
《get cool food around our country》
《Who is the big song god》
《This!Is slam dunk》
《The new Voice of China》
《Twelve flavors》
《the voice of dreams》
《the league of high energy boy》
《We are seventeen》
《I am going to school》
《Chinese Dreams Show》
And so on,More TV shows is waiting for our everyone to discover it.

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