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文章作者:梁小进eco 文章来源:网站原创






My weekend plan

During a week's hard work,I expect a casual and happy weekend so much.So,I use my pen writing my weekend plan.

Friday when I work off,I get ready drive my Geely car to meet my girlfriend.This my car named "帝豪" in Chinese,is the meaning of Emperor's honor.I bought it have past some year,it was cheap,but I also feel it comfortable.After meeting with my girlfriend,we shall invite some friends go to have dinner together.I don't like luxury restaurant in the city,I feel uncomfort in there.I consider going camping and barbecue in the wild. We can have a open-air camping,and we can also choose to check in Motel for more safety and comfort.

Saturday I will drive back to city,I will choose to get some sports,I will go to play basketball in park,and get running on track field ground.I will hope to get a quiet sleeping and delicious snack at saturday night.

Sunday morning,I will go to library for finding some books wanted lately,and after that i will get to learning some knowledge at sunday afternoon.

This my weekend's plan,is it great!

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