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文章作者:思怡范文网 文章来源:网站原创

My understanding of delicious food

What's the definition of delicious food?Which food is popular among people?Which food is cheap and delicous?What's my idea about delicacy business? Above of all questions is the information that my share by this article.

First,What's the definition of delicous food?In my opinion,Delicious foos is that which good ingredients collcation and brings people good taste feeling.

Second,Which food is popular among people?Which food is cheap and delicious?In china,there is a word called “xiao chi”,means snack.A large number of people like snacks in china.Chinese snacks has a big features which is cheap and delicious.For example,Butter Cake,Crab package,Dongpo pork,Mapo Tofu,Miscellaneous sauce noodles,and etc.

At last,let me talk about delicacy business.I think if you want start your delicacy business,you should get a clearly definition for your restauant.You should make sure which kind food you can cooking it well.In addition to that,you should formulate the dish price and calculate the operating cost.

By the way,recently heard that Szechuan McNugget sauce is popular in the United states.Ha ha ha,the tastes of Chinese and American people are similar.







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