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a wonderful summer Holiday

文章作者:思怡范文网 文章来源:网站原创

My summer vacation, is really rich and colorful.Happy learning, happy reading, travel is also happy.

Happiness one: Learning.

Summer vacation, my mother did not give me any counseling classes, that is, in order to allow me to play something I willing to play in the holidays.At the same time, I also did not forget to learn.Before the holiday, the teacher gave us the homework.I have set a goal for myself, write a little diary every day.My diary by days and months multiplying, improve the level of writing.

Happiness two: Reading.

During the summer vacation, my mother bought me a lot of good books from the Internet.In these days of no partners, the book is my best partner.When I'm tired, the book helps me to lift the fatigue;When I was sad, the book to help me out of sadness;When I am happy, the book and I share the happiness.

Happiness three: Travel.

Every summer vacation, my mother will take me to travel.Summer vacation, I took part in the summer camp.We went to the marine museum, learned a lot of knowledge of the ocean, feel the beautiful fairy tale world, but also exercise my ability to practice.

This summer vacation, I am very happy, because I have consolidated the knowledge, has learned the new knowledge;This summer vacation, I am very happy, because I have travelled a lot of places, widened the field of vision.All in all, my summer vacation is wonderful.

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