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2 single crosstalk of life experience

文章作者:wenyo yang 文章来源:本站整理 更新时间:DateTime

My life adjustment of leisure time

Leisure time,I want to take time to eat a bowl of ravioli,with a sandwich,by the way go to wenling for playing and eating,perhaps I can eat a lot of delicios food in a restaunt.

I can remenber that I used to go a barbecue store on a street and eat some grilled squid,kebab,the taset of those food left a deep impression on I; I used to go a west restaunt beside a park,and get eat some hamburgers and chicken.

these material enjoyment,may take good menory for I,may also a happy life someone always wanted ,may the best hopiness at the time for them.

In my ideas,life shall be plain funny,eat delicious food shall become the most interest of everyone,isn't it?


My small experience on a street at the past

Something in my memory,sometimes I remember it,just want to talk talk by a relax mood!

I used to go a street,a small food street vendor asked I for the cooking ideas about shrimp;A young lady,She said that the old lady used to cooking shrimps in a long-time, but she want to cook shrimp fresh and tender ,so always just cook it in a short-time; About the method of cooking shrimp , They had some dicussion, it's look liks hard to get a unified agreement. So I arrived there that may important!

In my judgment,the young lady wanted the shrimp become fresh and tender after cooking,it is no worng! The old lady think the shrimp may not healthy if it not during long-time cooking;  it is no worng, yet ! Both of them had their thinking.

In my thinking,the shrimp during a long-time cooking although make sure healthy, but the shrimp usual be difficult to eat;So we need control the cooking time,we shall know that the shrimp is easy to be cooked ripe,and we need pay attention on cooking time,not too long-time also not too short-time,perhaps 2-3 minutes is suit!

OK,this is my small experience on a street at the past.

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